Forums, Blogs and Facebook

A lot of people in this course have been singing the praises of the required blogging in this course and the benefits that they have gleaned from the process as opposed to interacting only on the forums. I’ll be honest, and say that I have been pretty slack with the whole blogging thing so far this semester. I don’t know why, I write little blogs in my head all day long but when it comes time to sit down at the computer to actually write them, I get too caught up in perfecting everything that I write, finding a great image to go with it, and trying to locate interesting resources to link to, that it either takes me a whole afternoon to just write one, or I end up giving up and abandoning the whole process. That said, I’m not going to sit here and argue that blogging is not useful, I haven’t given it a very fair go yet – something I hope to rectify throughout the remainder of the course (and hopefully beyond).

One thing that I will make comment on however is how wonderful I am finding the interactions on the Facebook page that was created by students for this particular offering of the course (EDC3100 USQ Semester 1 2015). It has proven to not only be a great source of information but also a fantastic support network. Reading through others’ frustrations, problems, concerns and also successes with this course gives me great relief, as I can see that my issues are pretty much shared by everyone else!

Being that it is much less formal than the forums, and no topic is really off limits, it really is a wonderful tool that I wish was available in every course.

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