HELP! Lost in the RAT maze

The BIG Maze by vpickering, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic License   by  vpickering 

I’m so confused! As I work through the week 8 learning path, it seems everything I thought I knew about the RAT Framework is wrong. At least, I think it’s wrong. I’m almost afraid to change my thinking in case I have it right to begin with. Maybe walking through my thinking in a blog post will help.


When we originally looked at RAT back in week 3, and this cartoon, I understood that incorporating ICTs was more than presenting the same content through a newer technological medium. I knew that the learning outcomes needed to change, but I was left thinking that this meant that the use of technology needed to target the higher order level thinking of students.


As I now read through week 8, and look at this table, I begin to get confused. Using the internet to search for  information is listed in the Transform column. I would have thought that it was replacement, because students are still reading through documents to find information, but are now doing it online – no change in the level of thinking skills either.

Does this mean that for our assignments we just need to add in some technology and the learning is transformed because students are developing their ICT capability? Surely not. We’ve been told time and time again that it is not okay to use technology for the sake of using technology!

I’ve just read a post by Amy, which makes me think now that yes, we just need to find a complimentary ICT capability with our learning experience to transform it. So students aren’t just learning the content from the KLA we are focusing on for our lesson, but from the ICT general capability.

Could this be right? It seems too simple…

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