Technology Scaremongering!

Today, in the learning path I was presented with this YouTube video, which shows a 1 year old ‘using’ an iPad (I use the term ‘using’ loosely, as the child only randomly taps away at the screen in order to see things move, and light up) and then trying to use magazines in the same way i.e. swiping and tapping on the pages. The video is titled with a sensationalised

A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work

and the following is the caption that accompanies the video:

Technology codes our minds, changes our OS. Apple products have done this extensively. The video shows how magazines are now useless and impossible to understand, for digital natives. It shows real life clip of a 1-year old, growing among touch screens and print. And how the latter becomes irrelevant. Medium is message. Humble tribute to Steve Jobs, by the most important person : a baby.

I don’t believe that this video is an example of how magazines have become useless and impossible to understand. The child wasn’t understanding the magazine because the child cannot read yet. And I fail to see how randomly tapping and swiping away at an iPad screen could be deemed as understanding anything on the iPad. Yes, he/she had the concept of tapping and swiping, but I also noticed that he/she was able to turn the pages of the magazine. Same level of understanding for different mediums.

After all, do we call dummies “bottles that don’t work”? If the video showed a 10 year old that couldn’t work the magazines, I would concede to the point that is trying to be made here, but it simply seems like an attempt at technology scaremongering. Our kids won’t be able to use magazines because iPads are taking over the world! Is it videos like these that are feeding the resistance to technology, particularly in education?

One thought on “Technology Scaremongering!

  1. Great post, Kerryn! I totally agree with you – people seem to take the fact that a baby can grasp some concepts of using technology (might I add, without fear as they are not aware of the difficulties that arise when they, without realising it, change settings or delete apps etc) as meaning the child has a solid understanding of technology. I like the fact that you have linked your post to a one year old’s developmental ability – pressing and swiping the screen vs turning the pages of the magazine. Well done on a great post!


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